According to a message on Cheryl Haskins' campaign website, the reporting data for her campaign contributions incorrectly showed a duplicate $5,000 campaign contribution (from Mitch Soule, of Kirkland). So, the adjusted total for her named contributions is now only $44,482.60. That's still over four times the contributions of her opponent, King Parker, and almost as much money as all other city council candidates combined have raised.
Most importantly, though, the percentage of contributions from non-Renton residents and businesses hasn't changed much at all. It's now 94.54%, which I'm going to round up to 95%, if that's OK with everyone. Even if the numbers change next week, I've always been sure to point out on my my websites (and printed materials) exactly when the PDC numbers were reported. In fact, in the interest of accuracy, I waited until all PDC reports were in this past Tuesday before publicizing the 95% number.
I'm glad that Cheryl made an effort to address the concerns that people are raising about her campaign. However, I'm saddened to think that she believes such concerns somehow constitute "smear tactics directed at my faith and other people of faith." The criticisms leveled at her have nothing to do with her personal faith, but everything to do with her public work on an extremely divisive social issue, as well as the suspicious sources of her record-setting campaign contributions.
I fully expect that additional efforts will be made by her campaign to minimize the controversy surrounding her political activism and finances. I guess that's where the in-kind donation of $8,750 for "campaign strategy & PR work" will come in handy. Hopefully, she'll keep her chin up, and just be straightforward and honest about her political work against gay rights. That's really all I've ever asked.
Once informed of the facts, I believe voters will decide that Cheryl Haskins is not an appropriate choice for Renton City Council.
Friday, October 26, 2007
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Of course you are using smear tactics. This whole blog is a definition of smear tactics. You sound civil, but your constant attacks based on an unrelated issue is bewildering. Her statment answers pretty much your attacks! Somtimes, despite your paranoia, people are who they say they are, and in this case, a candidate for city council, nothing more, nothing less. To accuse one of a hidden agenda is shameful!
I hope you can see the irony in the statement you just made. Whether she likes it or not, Cheryl has allied herself with a movement that's s taken "smear tactics" to an entirely new level. Ever heard of the documentary "The Gay Agenda," which was distributed to the doorsteps of voters just before critical anti-discrimination laws were up for vote, especially in Colorado?
I stand by my statement, though: this is not a smear campaign against Cheryl. It's a public information campaign.
You just did it again, smearing Cheryl by conecting the Colorado action with her. Now I know you will say "I am not saying she had anything to do with that" but the fact that you bring it up as an argument is exactly how you smear somebody. Show me where she, herself, has smeared anyone, etc? And no, her unconnected political activities with redefining marriage is not an answer.
I wonder if you would post how all of the candidates who are running for office stand on the issue?
If this is only to stop someone from advancing there political ambitions.
Where to start?
I brought up the Colorado action to illustrate how the Religious Right has used such tactics to spread misinformation about gay people, which was a direct response to your accusation of me using "smear tactics." I am not spreading misinformation about Cheryl.
I think I've made it pretty clear that I could care less about what the other candidates think about gay marriage. All of them -- Terry Persson, Marcie Palmer, King Parker, Don Persson, Greg Taylor, and Shirley Gaunt-Smith -- have established records for themselves in our community, either by already serving on the city council, or through their involvement with Renton-based organizations and issues. Nothing in any of of the work they've done in the community suggests that they have ever been outspoken opponents or proponents of gay rights or anything remotely similar. As a result, I really have no interest in learning where they stand on gay issues. If they choose to reveal their personal feelings on such things, that's their choice.
Cheryl, on the other hand, has been leading an organization that's singularly focused on preventing any form of marriage or "approximation of marriage" for gay people. Under her leadership, the group also testified against the anti-discrimination bill that now protects gay citizens. While Cheryl has obviously been involved in many other activities in her lifetime (many of which are very positive, I'm sure), she's really made a name for herself with the anti-gay stuff.
and yet you continue to perscute those who dare utter a position that you do not agree with, and let others who might hold similar postions hide. If you continue to insist on applying your narrow litmus test on 1 candidate, you must apply the same for others. Again (this is like beating a dead horse) this issue has so much less to do with the gays, and much more with candidates that offer a new fresh business orinetated face that will benefit all in Renton (yes, even you gays!)
Hey, knock yourself out! It's a free country, and if you want to ask the candidates what they think of gay marriage, no one's stopping you from doing so. I'd imagine the typical response would be, "No, but I do support the current domestic partnership protections," or, "That question is not relevant to this campaign. Unlike another candidate, I have never headed an organization devoted to that particular issue, and I have a demonstrated ability to work with people from all walks of life -- including our gay and lesbian citizens."
There is no "litmus test." There's just a "baggage check," and unfortunately, for her, Cheryl's brought far too much baggage for this trip.
And thanks for revealing your true feelings by using the term "you gays." Nice.
Okay, this is getting silly. Renton Citizen can talk himself blue in the face, but so many of the visitors (or the commenters, at least) won't hear a word of it.
Renton Citizen is endorsing Greg Taylor, a conservative Christian!
R.C. has said that as far as he is concerned, a candidate's private beliefs (not secret beliefs—private beliefs) are his own business. R.C. is endorsing a man who (we can assume) believes many things that are contrary to R.C.'s own beliefs!
It's one thing to believe, for instance, that homosexuals should not be allowed to marry. It is another thing to put your energy and passion into preventing people from obtaining various rights or privileges. Don't you see the difference?!
Exactly, Karl! Thanks for chiming in,
Damn it (I am angry thay RC twist statements to punish those who diagree)
Get off your high horse, no one cares who you sleep with, this is not a gay issue!!! It is just like you to employ the "gay card" to slander, smear, whoever deviates from your shallow and narrow policits. Get over it, this is a city council positon that has nothting ( I MEAN NOTHING) to do with gay agenda.
That's exactly the point... someone who's made such a big deal out of gay issues is not an appropriate choice for a city council. Do you really think I want to be discussing these issues on a local level? No, I don't. I am only doing so reluctantly, and at great personal risk. But I'm not going to stand by and watch a woman who's devoted her recent life's work to fighting against gay issues get onto the city council. What is so difficult to understand about my concerns? If she'd headed an anti-immigrant, anti-Mormon, or anti-Islamic group, would that be OK with everyone? It doesn't matter whether people agree with her poltics or not; what matters is that she has already demonstrated a propensity to alienate people, rather than bring them together.
Careful, RC. By even mentioning anti-immigrants or anti-Mormons, you'll get accused of a smear!
Yes indeed, Mike... comparing anti-gay oppression with any other form of discrimination, bias, or hatred is offensive to my detractors. But that's OK, because I have new friends like you and Karl to cut through the crap and tell it like it is.
I hope you leave this site up the day after Cheryl's victory, I intend to rub it in, for all the meaness and bad feelings you created! Unlike you, I am sure rationale folks will continue to work with those who disagree with an unrelated issue.
Anonymous, you don't exactly come across as a fair-minded lover of civil discourse.
Civil discourse? Please, RC and others hide their vicious attacks using the veneer of civility. A strong candidate with a fresh face and new ideas for the economic well being of all of Renton is being slimed, slandered, all for one political argument that you do not agree with.
Actually, RC has mentioned two arguments, both of which you reject as irrelevant:
1: She has no significant ties to Renton, as evidenced by her huge out-of-city financing.
2: She has worked for years to prevent same-sex marriage from becoming a reality.
Please list one "vicious attack" RC has made.
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