Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Seattle Times endorses King Parker, Cheryl Haskins' opponent

From today's Seattle Times:

King Parker
thinks he should return to the council, a position he held before running and losing to Keolker for mayor in 2003. We agree. Parker is the clear choice for Position 5. His sharp mind and incredible institutional knowledge are invaluable to Renton. His opponent, Cheryl Haskins, is eager but will benefit from more seasoning on a city commission or the School Board.

Nice way to dodge the controversies surrounding Cheryl Haskins, but we can only ask for so much. The prospect of her sitting on the School Board is disturbing, though. Electing her to that position, despite her anti-gay political activism, would send a terrible message to gay youth and their parents, who are already struggling with serious issues, including suicide.

If Chery Haskins wants to run for political office, she should stick with a partisan office, such as County Council or State Representative. At least then she'd have to to run as a Republican, and her far-right views would be well-publicized.

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